Academic of the Week Harsh Panghal Bryant High School Senior 4.08 GPA Parents are Satish & Bala Panghal The reasons Harsh was selected as Academic of the Week include that he is ... Very Motivated Excellent student in a wide variety of high-level (AP and Concurrent) courses Academically curious Tri-lingual: English, Hindi, and Gujarti His xtracurricular activities include: National Honor Society Welspun Cricket Team Hornet Engineering & Technology (HEAT) 4-H Club BUFFALO WILD WINGS 7206 Alcoa Rd., Bryant, AR 72022 501-778-9464 Sponsored by Academic of the Week Harsh Panghal Bryant High School Senior 4.08 GPA Parents are Satish & Bala Panghal The reasons Harsh was selected as Academic of the Week include that he is ... Very Motivated Excellent student in a wide variety of high-level (AP and Concurrent) courses Academically curious Tri-lingual: English, Hindi, and Gujarti His xtracurricular activities include: National Honor Society Welspun Cricket Team Hornet Engineering & Technology (HEAT) 4-H Club BUFFALO WILD WINGS 7206 Alcoa Rd., Bryant, AR 72022 501-778-9464 Sponsored by