Health Advantage Baptist Health Health Advantage Medicare HMO and Baptist Health... Coverage and care i can you can count on Experience a powerful partnership that gives you more It's time again to think about your Medicare coverage and whether you're getting everything you deserve. -ys Shop our 2022 Medicare Advantage plans and see how two of Arkansas' most trusted names have come together to offer better savings, more convenience and real peace of mind. HMO LAN MEDICARE ADVANTAGE PLANS THAT DELIVER. so premium plans and no annual deductibles V Montly premims and no annual deductble Primary care decter vata Medicare-approved preventive screenings $6,000 limit on annual out-of-pocket costs SilverSeeakers feress program membership Priority access to Baptist Health primary care physicians and specialists Telehealth and 24-bour Nurse Hotlie Preseription drug deductible on Teri l and Up to $2,000 in preventive and comprehensive dental coverage Member Rewerds $250 EARN Vision, hearing and prescription drug coverage UP TO $250 IN REWARDS A so co-pay for in-home support services As a Health Advantage plan member, youl be eligibie to eam generous git card rewards Up to $25 quarterly allowance for Medicare- approved over-the-counter products for geting enams, preventive screenings and tests PEACE OF MIND SPEAK TO A With our 2022 HMO plans, you'l get the coverage and care you need coordinated by a team of trusted experts. Your Baptist Health team, including your primary care physician, nurses, specialists and health coaches will ensure a coordinated and convenient experience when it comes to your care-because they know it's all for you. MEDICARE EXPERT: 1-888-622-6004 O Speak to your local scensed agent Not avalable in all counties. HMO Partners, Inc. DBA Mealh Advantage ptters HMO plans with a Medicare contract. Enroliment in Hesith Advartage depends on contract renewel SiverSneskerss aregistered orademark of Tivity Health. Tivity Health is an independent eompany contracted with Health Advantage ta provide i feness benefit t out members. Dher providers are available in oor network Health Advantage is an attlate of Arkansas ue Croas and Blue Shield. Arkansas Bl Cross and Blue Shield is the trade name of USAle Mutual Insurance Company, an independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association 21 HMD Partners, Ine. Allrighta reserved. YOO8 22AEP HA NSP M Health Advantage aBlue Baptist Health Health Advantage Baptist Health Health Advantage Medicare HMO and Baptist Health... Coverage and care i can you can count on Experience a powerful partnership that gives you more It's time again to think about your Medicare coverage and whether you're getting everything you deserve. -ys Shop our 2022 Medicare Advantage plans and see how two of Arkansas' most trusted names have come together to offer better savings, more convenience and real peace of mind. HMO LAN MEDICARE ADVANTAGE PLANS THAT DELIVER. so premium plans and no annual deductibles V Montly premims and no annual deductble Primary care decter vata Medicare-approved preventive screenings $6,000 limit on annual out-of-pocket costs SilverSeeakers feress program membership Priority access to Baptist Health primary care physicians and specialists Telehealth and 24-bour Nurse Hotlie Preseription drug deductible on Teri l and Up to $2,000 in preventive and comprehensive dental coverage Member Rewerds $250 EARN Vision, hearing and prescription drug coverage UP TO $250 IN REWARDS A so co-pay for in-home support services As a Health Advantage plan member, youl be eligibie to eam generous git card rewards Up to $25 quarterly allowance for Medicare- approved over-the-counter products for geting enams, preventive screenings and tests PEACE OF MIND SPEAK TO A With our 2022 HMO plans, you'l get the coverage and care you need coordinated by a team of trusted experts. Your Baptist Health team, including your primary care physician, nurses, specialists and health coaches will ensure a coordinated and convenient experience when it comes to your care-because they know it's all for you. MEDICARE EXPERT: 1-888-622-6004 O Speak to your local scensed agent Not avalable in all counties. HMO Partners, Inc. DBA Mealh Advantage ptters HMO plans with a Medicare contract. Enroliment in Hesith Advartage depends on contract renewel SiverSneskerss aregistered orademark of Tivity Health. Tivity Health is an independent eompany contracted with Health Advantage ta provide i feness benefit t out members. Dher providers are available in oor network Health Advantage is an attlate of Arkansas ue Croas and Blue Shield. Arkansas Bl Cross and Blue Shield is the trade name of USAle Mutual Insurance Company, an independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association 21 HMD Partners, Ine. Allrighta reserved. YOO8 22AEP HA NSP M Health Advantage aBlue Baptist Health