Meet The Team AUTOMOTIVE CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION elete AUTOMOTIVE 001 0.0.0 Success Coach 38) BEDROO 1.) Name Matthew Cummings A 2.) What will you be teaching? Success Coach 3.) Where are you from originally and currently? Born and raised in Malvern and currently reside in Benton. 4.) Where did you get your education? Bachelor of Science from Henderson State University and Master of Science from Arkansas Tech University 5.) What is your career history? I have worked in a variety of different jobs over the course of my life from food service to manufacturing. The last 8 years I have worked in several higher education roles such as admissions counselor, student activities coordinator, pre-apprenticeship coordinator and now success coach. 6.) Why did you get into your field? I was a kid in high school who had a ton of opportunities but lacked focus. I struggled in college my first couple of years and dropped out to pursue other endeavors. It wasn't until I was in my late 20's I went back to college and found success. I love working with students who aren't sure what their next steps are after high school and to help them with career planning. I have partnered my education with years of experience working in numerous fields to help saline MEDICAL PROFESSIONS ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY MEDICAL PROFESSIONS students make the transition from high school to the work world. 7.) Why are you teaching at SCCTC? I have been an employee of ASUTR since 2016 and have had my eye on a position here at the SCCTC since the start. To be part of an incredible project like SCCTC is something I might never get a chance to be a part of again. Congratulations on the dream becoming reality SALINE COUNTY CAREER TECHNICAL CAMPUS COLDWELL BANKER RPM GROUP Carolyn Trusty Cell: 501-249-0618 Office: 501-316-0955 Fax: 501-604-1818 A New Facility for the SALINE COUNTY CTE CENTER Benton, Arkansas Meet The Team AUTOMOTIVE CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION elete AUTOMOTIVE 001 0.0.0 Success Coach 38 ) BEDROO 1. ) Name Matthew Cummings A 2. ) What will you be teaching ? Success Coach 3. ) Where are you from originally and currently ? Born and raised in Malvern and currently reside in Benton . 4. ) Where did you get your education ? Bachelor of Science from Henderson State University and Master of Science from Arkansas Tech University 5. ) What is your career history ? I have worked in a variety of different jobs over the course of my life from food service to manufacturing . The last 8 years I have worked in several higher education roles such as admissions counselor , student activities coordinator , pre - apprenticeship coordinator and now success coach . 6. ) Why did you get into your field ? I was a kid in high school who had a ton of opportunities but lacked focus . I struggled in college my first couple of years and dropped out to pursue other endeavors . It wasn't until I was in my late 20's I went back to college and found success . I love working with students who aren't sure what their next steps are after high school and to help them with career planning . I have partnered my education with years of experience working in numerous fields to help saline MEDICAL PROFESSIONS ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY MEDICAL PROFESSIONS students make the transition from high school to the work world . 7. ) Why are you teaching at SCCTC ? I have been an employee of ASUTR since 2016 and have had my eye on a position here at the SCCTC since the start . To be part of an incredible project like SCCTC is something I might never get a chance to be a part of again . Congratulations on the dream becoming reality SALINE COUNTY CAREER TECHNICAL CAMPUS COLDWELL BANKER RPM GROUP Carolyn Trusty Cell : 501-249-0618 Office : 501-316-0955 Fax : 501-604-1818 A New Facility for the SALINE COUNTY CTE CENTER Benton , Arkansas