LEARN MORE ABOUT ENCORE MEDICAL CENTER. Ackansas Heart Hospital is coming to Saline County The hospital will featurea hllservice emergency department and state of the aiaging, plus p and speciaity care on the surounding camput Inits fist phase, Encore Medical Center wa have 25 patient beds, which can timanely be expandedto 100 beds the comer of Springhill nd -30 Fronage Road, with a n expected opening date in the later partof2020 The moden, four-soryaty will povide aoute care while toovsing on adut obesty with Giabetes and peripheral vessel dsease Hene, Westyle c key The faclitya nclude a gy, a weli as a kitchen to teach patients hoW to prepane healthy meals Classes will be offered in streu changes will be 0 Our goal is to give people ution, yoga and more Thee will von be a rohop ganden to provide fresh vegetables to the intensive carduc nehab clinic and the hospitals cal solvable with medications a second chance an encore. ARKANSAS HEART HOSPITAL 35 -CEO Dr. Bruce Murphy core MEDICAL CENTER In the meantime, the clinic is NOW OPEN in a temporary location at the Encore construction site. Call for your appointment! SALINE COUNTY CLINIC Dnry Dixon, General Sunppon D aiam Rollefion, Cardiolagist (501) 326-6868 215141-30 Frontage Road Dr Vasiali Lendel, CardiologistDScoBea, Candiologist