Downtown Benton Business n Hstorc 3W.South St., Benton 50-794-6256 Owners H Association s 2501 Kruse Loop The Pool Pros Call Us Today 501.249.7034 (5012497034 Studio 1720 The oyal Playets 111 S. Market St. 501-315-5483 015 101 N. Main St,o Downtown Benton 501:29751065 theroy com PearTree Cleos Wade Partridge, Preside 201 N. Main 776-0483 furniture 501-778-8886 Phone $01-3157296 WE BUY, SELL & TRADE OPEN Ono of the largest insurance brokorage and consuting frms, NFP offers commercial insurance, corporate bonefts and private cliont resouROOS RON &JUDY PARKER EQUIPMEN 403 N. Main Street Benton, AR 72015 14 N. MARKET S DOWNTOWN BENTON SHIDICURVENT114 East Conway, Benton 501-778-9162 COLECTABLES REGIONS PAWN SHOP TACK SHOP 217 N. East St 146 W South St Benton, AR 72015 S01-375 60S0 917 Military Rd Benton, AR 72015 501-315-2968 200 E.Sevier St Benton, AR 72015 501-7784775 ton, AR 72015 501-778-9921 Saline County Christmas Parade Monday, Dec. 3, 6:00 pm lerry hsmas MAS from the Downtown'Benton Business Owners Association