Crossing Annual p saine Crossing & 2019 RENDEZVOUS Saline erossing LPARK & RECREA March 29th-30th 10:00 5:00 AIl school groups are welcome on Friday, March 29h - 9:00 til 2:30 Early Arkansas Re-enactors Association (EARA), will be encamped at the city fishing park in Benton, AR at the end of Airlane Drive and Mary Kay (turn onto gravel road) Come see what life was like for early settlers on the Southwest trail and at Saline Crossing. Experience the challenges of the pioneers and settlers, and see demonstrations of skills needed in their daily life. For more information contact: Lynn Moore 501-778-8661 Doyle Ritchey 501-860-2544 Marsha Kimery 501-860-3686 PUBIC WELCOME